After Sales Support to Get the Most From the Projection System provides support to ensure clients have everything they need to get the most from their domes and projection systems. provides support to ensure clients have everything they need to get the most from their domes and projection systems.
In association with our content creation studio,360ART, provides an extensive starter package and can create custom content. domes and projection systems are designed to be fast and easy to install. Domes of 12 meters or less can be installed without the need to hire lifting...
The logistics team ensure your dome is delivered efficiently and ready for installation when you need it
Materials used by have been certified for fire safety and dome frames are engineered to meet regulations project managers provide advice throughout the project and co-ordinate activities between engineering, manufacturing, IT and logistics department, all while giving peace of mind to the client by keeping... is an end-to-end solution provider with many years in-house manufacturing experience and continual refinement, to create quality, turn-key products. Our one-stop service allows us to take our customer’s... has its own in-house engineering team, capable of handling even the largest and most complex projects