“Lightning of the Soul” is based on the ancient Buddhist story of how one can defy his own evil...
“Lightning of the Soul” is based on the ancient Buddhist story of how one can defy his own evil...
Have you ever wondered about life? Perhaps you have wondered… how does everything around you connect? On this rare...
At night, under the star-scattered sky people cast a glance into the vast expanse of the Universe. Someday we...
GO TO THE EDGE … AND BEYOND Feel the rush of excitement when the engine starts. See space craft hurtling...
A mystic yogi goes on a dangerous journey through the magical Vedic universe witnessing the horrors of hell and...
Since ancient times people believe that material world consists of five essential elements—fire, air, water, earth and space. Come...
The most recent and highest-quality space movie in the attractions business. Black Hole – The Multiverse War is not...
Captain Hook kidnapped poor little Tinkerbell! The never growing boy, Peter Pan now has to chase them across and...
Have you ever wondered if the Genie in the classic tale Aladdin was to be the groom’s witness at...
“Distant Worlds-Alien Life?”, originally “Ferne Welten-fremdes Leben?”, is a jointproduction by the planetariums in Münster, Bochum, Kiel, Mannheim, OsnabrückundWolfsburg,...
Europe to the Stars takes the viewer on an epic journey behind the scenes at the most productive ground-based...
Samskara is an ongoing art project inspired by the amazing digital artwork of Android Jones and created in collaboration...
Originally produced for the Pepsi Art Dome at Voodoo Music + Arts Experience (a.k.a. VoodooFest) 2015 in New Orleans,...
Join adventurer Felix Baumgartner on his October 2012 jump from a balloon at the edge of space to Earth,...
Welcome aboard the Eco-Space Station. Join Bai and T-frog on their mission to keep space clean and earth green....
Throughout thousand of years people have looked at the starry arch with amusement. Stars attracted and excited imagination of...