Extensive Experience In Project Management | Fulldome Pro
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    Extensive Experience In Project Management

    Project managment

    Fulldome.pro project managers have extensive experience in all the stages of production, delivery, and installation. They provide advice throughout the project and co-ordinate activities between engineering, manufacturing, IT and logistics department

    Fulldome.pro project managers serve as the main point of communication between our clients, and the engineering, manufacturing, IT, and installation teams.

    Project managers bring a unique focus to their work, which is shaped by the goals and requirements of each client.

    The extensive experience of our highly qualified project managers means they can give client-specific recommendations to ensure the dome, screen, and projection system perform to maximum potential. This advice includes the selection of fittings, colors, and materials for walls and floors, seating solutions and configuration, location of entrances and exits, and heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning requirements.

    Finally, the project manager will oversee the delivery and installation of the dome, screen and projection, and audio systems.

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