Dino Planet is an immersive animated adventure ride for children. It was created by 360art over a period of...
Dino Planet is an immersive animated adventure ride for children. It was created by 360art over a period of...
Everyone knows his or her address, in which city and on what street he or she lives. And do...
Experience a virtual roller coaster ride through ancient pyramids, feel the thrill of terrifying leaps and dives, and plunge...
Why is the Earth so various and amazing? To get answers, join our interactive Quiz! We’ll journey from the...
Amazing psychedelic art, created by Luminokaya Lab and 360ART.PRO, which includes a variety of symbols, creatures, and figures combined...
The Earth is just one of the planets orbiting the Sun, but the only one where conditions are just...
People have always been attracted by the mysterious and unknown and wanted to get closer to the enchanted world...
360art content production studio once again took the visitors to Jagannath Astaka Show off their feet with its astounding...
What starts off as a quiet and peaceful rickshaw journey on the Great Wall of China rapidly turns into...
Fulldome Film Society together with Kiev Planetarium and Atmasfera360 Center are proud to present the unique fulldome show dedicated...
ASTRONOMY is an introduction to astronomy basics, its history and major discoveries.The show presents many educational topics – such...
“Space Quiz” is series of interactive and educational children’s films for digital planetariums. Each film covers a basic topic...
When we glance up at the night sky it appears calm and peaceful, but look closer and you will...
Since ancient times people have observed distant faint clouds in the night sky. The invention of the telescope lead...
From ancient times, the egg was an archetype of the Universe. Various traditions, events, songs and legends are associated...
Experience the stunning beauty and colour of northern Thailand in Chiang Mai Deep Trip. This short film uses a...