Make it clear: VR room vs. VR dome
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    VR Projection Room vs VR Projection Dome

    We have all been fascinated with Virtual Reality (VR) technology at least once in our lifetime. VR provides a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world and has applications in entertainment, education, and business.

    While it is still a relatively new technology, VR has evolved a lot. Initially, we experienced VR via a headset. Now VR projection rooms and VR projection domes have come into the market and completely changed the game. VR is no longer a solo activity that isolates the viewer from their surroundings but a shared group experience. Let us discuss the two technologies that make this possible in more detail.

    VR Projection Rooms

    A VR projection room is a, usually permanent, room where high-resolution content is projected onto the walls, and sometimes the floor or ceiling, or both, to create an immersive environment. VR projection rooms are used for:

    • Automotive Engineering and Design
    • Aerospace Engineering and Design
    • Scientific Research
    • Simulation, Training, and teaching
    • Video Game Design

    VR Projection Domes

    A VR projection dome takes the projection room to the next level, replacing the walls and ceiling with a seamless hemispherical dome. have mastered the design and manufacturing 360 dome theaters and introduced the innovative VR Dome, with projection, almost to floor level. This creates 360º of immersive VR experience, without the distortions where walls and ceilings meet. Domes can also be portable – a twelve-meter dome, to accommodate up to 100 people, can be transported in a minivan and installed in just half a day!

    VR projection domes can also be used for:

    • Corporate events and trade shows
    • Theme parks
    • Festivals
    • Planetariums and educational institutions
    • Private parties and events


    最近,我们展示了我们独特的新产品——VR球幕,它是为拉图玛创建的(请阅读更多)。拉图玛将VR球幕打造为推向市场,将其称为“CaVRn”,并利用它来创造共享的VR体验,让观众完全沉浸在没有虚拟现实耳机的环境中。   今年6月,拉图玛带CaVRn去利物浦参加了国际商业节。他们的展位上挤满了游客,其中包括一位非常特别的嘉宾——威廉王子——他参观了球幕,以查看这种新的产品展示形式。请点击视频:  

    Which is better: VR rooms or VR domes?

    VR rooms and VR domes are similar but can have slightly different use cases. Admittedly we are a little biased when it comes to comparisons but we think the VR domes are the winner. 

    Some of the benefits of VR domes over VR rooms are as follows:


    A VR dome is generally easier and quicker to set up than a VR room. Thus, you can save a lot of time in comparison to VR rooms. Even setting up a dome inside an existing room will be faster than painting walls and installing a bespoke projection system.


    A VR room is often made with only three projection walls, while a VR dome offers a 360º projection surface, without corners or edges where the image is distorted, thereby giving a better experience.


    “Pound-for-pound” domes are stronger and cheaper than a cube-like structure of a similar floor area. For outdoor use they are often the only practical option.


     VR domes offer a stand-alone structure that can be easily installed, dismantled and transported from place to place, allowing you to take your VR experience to your audience.

    VR is slowly taking over the infotainment industry with the immersive experience it offers. VR rooms and domes play an important role in this journey. VR projection domes have more use cases and many benefits over VR projection rooms 

    VR Dome 2.0

    Welcome our new product that changes the game—the dome with 250 degrees projection. Watch the video to find out more.

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