Since ancient times people believe that material world consists of five essential elements—fire, air, water, earth and space. Come for a journey through the universe to discover the origins of five elements. Let the mythical huge whale guide your transformation from giant to infinitely small. The Whale Dreams show gives unforgettable experience of fantastic visual trip through time, space, energy channels and to the realms of fundamental original elements. The show creates strong and powerful relaxing and meditative effect, immersing audience into the depths of inner space and taking them far away to the Universe. Allowing to find the answers to the ultimate lifetime questions:—who am I..? wh ere do I come from…? is the world real.., or it’s just a dream..? The show is targeted for everyone who want to have an unfogettable experience, even people who are not familiar with esoterics, will find the priceless treasures rested deep inside of their inner cosmos. The Whale Dreams immersive visual show is specifically designed as a stand alone complete art dome show. Or can be part of immersive digital performance, concert, show, disco, meditation or yoga session.

Technical Parameters
Genre: Visual Show
Length: 11:35 & 29:44
Language: Original Soundtrack, ENG
Resolution: 3K, 4K
Audio: Stereo - 5.1